Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Day 15 of 30

Day 15- Put your iPod on shuffle: First 10 songs that play

No judging, I have a very broad taste in music. :)

1. Demi Lovato- Trash
2. Eric Clapton - Wonderful Tonight
3. Toby Keith - Trailerhood
4. Taking Back Sunday - You're So Last Summer
5. Secondhand Serenade - Fall For You
6. Nelly - Just a Dream
7. Carrie Underwood - Temporary Home
8. Reba McEntire - Does He Love You?
9. My Chemical Romance - I'm Not Okay
10. Finch - Ender
11. TI - Whatever You Like
12. Black Eyed Peas - Boom Boom Pow
13. Miley Cyrus - Party in the USA
14. Eminem & Rhianna - Love the Way You Lie
15. Tim McGraw & Nelly - Over & Over

Ok.. WOW... that is quite the umm... variety. hahaha

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Day 14 of 30

Sorry I've been so MIA dear blog! Life is hectic as a pregnant mommy of 3. :) I'm just going to pick up where I left off and make sure I finish the rest of it!!

Day 14- A picture of you and your family

This is pretty sad... I don't have a recent one. :( I'm usually the one behind the camera and we haven't been anywhere in a while to take one of us all together. I think that just because of this, I'm going to find a way in the next couple of days to get one!! I'll be back to post it in a new post when I get one.

I know I can't be the only mommy so busy taking pictures of her children that she forgets to take one of herself WITH the children, oh yea, and that hubby guy. hahaha

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Day 13 of 30

Day 13- A letter to someone who has hurt you recently

I honestly can't even get into this, because this person hurt a "friend" in a way NO WOMAN should EVER do. It would honestly go something like this...

Dear backstabber,


Have a nice life,

I know its wrong to hang on to such negative feels towards a person, and I'm really not. I don't dwell on what she did to hurt me and I rarely think of her and like to think she never existed. My "letter" says it all. I can let go and move on, because thats what karma is for. It means I don't have to lift a finger, it'll take care of it for me.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Day 12 of 30

Day 12- How you found out about blogs and why you made one

I use to blog on Myspace a bit, and then I found out there were whole sites for it. When I joined, I loved looking through and reading the blogs I found in the signatures. Eventually I made my own and I'm working on getting in the habit of posting more. I have a hard time of thinking of topics, I'd like to post stuff that people actually want to read. :)

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Day 11 of 30

Day 11- Another picture of you and your friends

Just 2, and they're old. I miss these ladies, life is so busy it's easy to lose touch. :(

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Day 10 of 30

Day 10- Songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad

Its really hard to narrow down just ONE song I listen to for each mood. It all depends on why I'm sad or mad. I listen to a lot of country when I'm sad, the "my dog died, my truck don't run, and it won't stop raining" kind of songs.

Happy, I love to listen to the new stuff. Its not called "pop" anymore, but the bouncy, dancing and singing in the car while people are looking at you like you're an idiot, kind of stuff.

Bored, I just put it on and type in a random name of a band and let it play through.

Hyped, totally rap. When I get the rare night out, I crank it ALLLLLL the way up and of course, dance in the car.

When I'm mad, its probably more country or some hard rock. Just depends on why I'm mad.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Day 09 of 30

Day 09- Something you’re proud of in the past few days

I haven't really done anything interesting in the past fews days. I am super proud of these adorable pictures I got today!!!

12 weeks and 2 days. Not the best quality b/c I snapped them with my phone. I hope to get some more later. Heartbeat was 152 beats per minute. He/she looks so much like a baby now! I never get tired of ultrasounds. :D

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Day 08 of 30

Day 08- Short term goals for this month and why.

To eat better. I haven't really been eating a lot and when I do its rarely something "good for me". I know I'm pregnant, but this is the first trimester and I'm trying to give the baby what it wants because if I don't I'll be hugging the toilet.

To clean the toilets. I do this at least once a week, I think I need to do it more.

Organize Rileigh's room. Its clean, until you open the closet, I really need to get on the ball with that.

Start working on potty training Gavin. He's showing interest, I'm just not really pushing the issue. I think if I put him in his Cars big boy undies and actually started making a fun deal out of it, he'd be potty trained. I rushed Rileigh and she regressed after she was trained, I just don't want that to happen to him.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Day 07 of 30

Day 07- A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you.

This is an easy one. :) I don't have 1 picture though, I have a 4.

I don't really think I have to explain this too much. My husband, Robert, changed my life by marrying me and giving me our 4 children. Each of my children have added something new and special into my life, and I couldn't image life without them.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Day 06 of 30

Day 06- Favorite super hero and why

I'm gonna go sorta new-age with this. She's not a classic super hero, but she's my favorite. Why? For the simple reason that she has three kids, and they all have super powers as well. She can handle super speed, invisibility, force field shield, and a crazy fire baby that turns into a demon. Can we say, Mom of the Year Award? Its hard enough taking care of 3 kids without superpowers, and all she can do is stretch. I must say that something that would definitely come in handy; however, I think I'll stick with the non-stretchy power and the kids without the superpowers.

My favorite super hero is Elastigirl, the best Super Mom out there!!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Day 05 of 30

Day 05- A picture of somewhere you’ve been to.

I haven't been to a whole lot of places, and this is probably sorta lame to choose, but I'm choosing the Georgia Aquarium. It was so beautiful and I really loved going!! I can't wait to take the kids back now that Rileigh and Gavin are older, I'm sure they would have a blast!!! I've also posted a picture of the tunnel, it was my favorite part!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Day 04 of 30

Day 04- A habit that you wish you didn’t have

I bite my nails. I do it when I'm bored, nervous, stressed, mad, and just about every other annoying emotion. I've done it for as long as I can remember and I've actually gotten myself to stop at times. I love letting my nails get long and pretty, but I always end up biting them again! I'm not a huge fan of fake nails either. I would really love to find something that would help me stop biting them for good. They grow so fast when I'm pregnant that now would be a great time, its just hard because most of the time, I don't even realize I'm doing it.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Day 03 of 30

Day 03- A picture of you and your friends

This one doesn't really need much explaining, but I'm gonna add a caption anyways. I don't hang out with my friends as much as I'd like, Jenn lives far away and the kids keep me pretty busy. So, when we get the rare night out, someone always makes sure to snap a picture!

Leslie, Linda, Me, Brittney

This is an old one and Jenn doesn't like it a whole lot. However, its the only one I really have of us. Next time she's in town we MUST get another one! Jenn is on the left, I'm on the right. :)

Friday, August 13, 2010

Day 02 of 30

Day 02- The meaning behind your blog name.

Let's see, I sorta have two. The one in my url is Heatherw9705. That one is pretty simple! My name, the initial to my last name, and the day I married my husband. :) The title of my blog, is Butterfly Kisses. Thats from the Bob Carlisle song that I adore! My kids are getting so big, so fast; and its just a reminder to enjoy the little things before they're all grown up and I lose these days forever. I also have a quote at the bottom of the title, "There is no way to be a perfect mother, and a million ways to be a good one". This is to remind me that every mother does make mistakes. So if I leave a diaper on longer than I wanted, or forget to wash the pair of pants Rileigh begged me for, I don't feel "as" bad. There is no such thing as the perfect mother, because there is no such thing as perfect. I do what I can, the best that I can, and I have happy, healthy, secure and beautiful children, and thats all I can ask for.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Day 01 of 30

A recent picture and 15 Interesting Facts

This is from our Florida trip a few months ago,
I'm make-up less and fresh out of the shower!

15 Interesting Facts About Myself
1. I have a secret obsession with connecting actors with movies and directors.
2. I love to read so much that if I don't have a new book, I re-read an old one.
3. I can't stand Teen Mom or 16 and Pregnant.
4. I learned how to do selective coloring using Paint 4 years ago. (its HARD, but much easier on Photoshop.)
5. I talk too much and too fast when I'm nervous and/or excited.
6. I'm the oldest and the only girl.
7. My youngest brother, is only 5 months older than Rileigh. They just started Pre-K.
8. Out of our 4 kids, only one was planned.
9. I graduated high school with an A average and I have a 4.0 in College.
10. I intend to go back to College, I just have to find the time.
11. I wanted to be a Kindergarten teacher, until I worked at a Day Care.
12. I married my husband when I was only 18.
13. I was co-captain of the Varsity Cheerleading Squad my Junior year.
14. My youngest son was born on Labor Day, and my wedding anniversary.
15. I am deathly afraid of spiders, my 4 year old kills them for me.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

30 Days of Straight Posting!

Yes!! I have let my blog just sit here, and I've decided to do something about it! I stole this from one of my best friend's blogs. Hey! She got the idea from other blogs too so don't look at me like that!!! ;) Its called 30 days of Me! I know, I know, I'm not that interesting, or so... you THINK I'm not. Why don't you follow me for the next 30 days and find out!!

Here are the things I will be posting about! I'm undecided if I'll start today or tomorrow, but you'll know as soon as I do!

Day 01- A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself
Day 02- The meaning behind your blog name
Day 03- A picture of you and your friends
Day 04- A habit that you wish you didn’t have
Day 05- A picture of somewhere you’ve been to
Day 06- Favorite super hero and why
Day 07- A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you
Day 08- Short term goals for this month and why
Day 09- Something you’re proud of in the past few days
Day 10- Songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad
Day 11- Another picture of you and your friends
Day 12- How you found out about blogs and why you made one
Day 13- A letter to someone who has hurt you recently
Day 14- A picture of you and your family
Day 15- Put your iPod on shuffle: First 10 songs that play
Day 16- Another picture of yourself
Day 17- Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why
Day 18- Plans/dreams/goals you have
Day 19- Nicknames you have; why do you have them
Day 20- Someone you see yourself marrying/being with in the future
Day 21- A picture of something that makes you happy
Day 22- What makes you different from everyone else
Day 23- Something you crave for a lot
Day 24- A letter to your parents
Day 25- What I would find in your bag
Day 26- What you think about your friends
Day 27- Why are you doing this 30 day challenge
Day 28- A picture of you last year and now, how have you changed since then?
Day 29- In this past month, what have you learned
Day 30- Who are you?

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I need more play dates

Its rare that I get together with other families with kids, and I've been thinking that I need to make more time for that! On nights that my husband works late (like tonight), I feel myself needing adult company. I love being a stay at home mom, its the greatest; but I do need interaction with others above the age of 4. I know its a great benefit for my kids too because they can be around other children their age and play with kids that aren't their siblings.

However, I'd be lying if I said that play dates are only for the kids. Its nice to sit and chat with other moms about being a mommy. I feel I never make enough time for things like that and I'm going to start making a point to. Its summertime and so pretty out most days, I think inviting another mommy and her children over to play in the pool for a while and then enjoy a nice lunch outside seems like a great idea!

I'm also going to make more weekend plans as a family for doing things outdoors. We visited the beach last weekend and I really enjoyed all the us time! I mean, we have us time everyday, but rarely like it was last weekend. I've realized now that we need time for just us; off doing fun things together! I'm hoping to visit the Atlanta Aquarium again soon, I think thats the next stop on our list of family fun!!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Great tips on keeping up with the house!

So usually I get behind on my cleaning. Hey! I'm a mom of 3, so it happens. :) So recently I've been following the Just Mommies Home Organization Plan!! Now let me tell you, this is the easiest thing to follow, and I don't have to wear high heels to do it!

It breaks down daily tasks that you get yourself in the habit of doing. I was never much of a bed maker, but it only takes 2 minutes out of my morning and I make sure I do it before my 2 year old drags me by my hair out of my room screaming for breakfast. Each month also has a decluttering list that doesn't take a lot of time out of your day. Its helps to keep your house clean and organized at the same time!!

During the day I also make sure I go behind the kids and pick up as they destroy. Seems like "shoveling while it's still snowing", huh? It really is, however, if you shovel as it snows, there is less snow to shovel when it stops. Now my night time cleaning is cut in half and I have more time to spend with my husband. I also vacuum more than the JM organization plan specifies, but I also have an 8 month old who likes to pretend he's a human vacuum cleaner.

This plan has really helped my life become easier, and now cleaning doesn't control me, I control it. With the easy printable calendar, I see my tasks each day and make sure I set aside time to do those, usually at nap time. I also like being reminded to take something out for dinner, I'm very forgetful. So for someone like me, who has to have a list to be organized and in control, this plan is the perfect way to get your house clean. Its also pretty cool that now when people show up unexpectedly, I'm not mortified when I hear that dreaded "knock, knock, knock".

Monday, May 10, 2010

Why Must They Grow?

So Logan is 8 months old, and of course it has me wondering why the time has to fly so fast. I think this is a topic I've brought up before and its most likely one I'll bring up again. My babies are growing so fast that its hard to remember their smaller days. Now that I've decided that I won't be having any more babies, it makes it a little sadder for me. I know 3 is a good number and I'm lucky to have each one of my little blessings, I just know that one day they won't be as dependent on me. I'm sure I'll miss the little things, even changing diapers and waking in the middle of the night.

Speaking of diapers, I'm pretty sure I'm close to having only one in them. Gavin told me yesterday, all on his own, that he had to potty, and he did! It was so awesome!! With Rileigh I asked and coaxed her on the potty, to get her use to sitting on it a lot. Gavin seems a little different, and I just decided to hold off until he was ready, which he's shown signs of it; but hasn't seemed very interested in it at all. So I jumped up and down and squealed with him and he was just as delighted as I was. Its such a big step and was honestly, the best Mother's Day present I got yesterday.

Rileigh is the most difficult child I have. She's mouthy and bossy and sassy, and everything most little girls are. She loves make-up and perfume and, even though she knows not to get into it, she does it anyways. She throws tantrums (Gavin is two and he doesn't), and she refuses to clean her room. I was always told that little girls were easier to handle than little boys, and now that I have one little girl and two little boys, everyone is now saying girls are harder. I think a lot of her problems stem from the fact that shes home all day. She starts school soon, but I'm thinking of signing her up for Cheerleading so she can get out of the house and around other little girls. I think her attitude would change a lot if she were able to be the social butterfly we all know she it.

So, I just wanted to update a little on my loves until I could come up with a worthy topic of interest. Thanks for reading!!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

The 411 on Cloth Diapering

I found a while back when I was in the early stages of my pregnancy with Logan, and I really wish I would have found it sooner! Its not only taught me a lot of things I would have otherwise had no clue about, mainly products like the Moby Wrap and Sophie the Giraffe (two things I adore), but its also given me lots of advice. So when I first heard about people cloth diapering, I don't recall even opening the thread. I looked at my husband one day, shortly after Logan's birth, and said "Cloth diapering??" and he had the same gross expression on his face as me. It was definitely out for us.

Well later on I started actually opening those threads, and doing research of my own. I came to find out, that you don't even need pins these days!! If you really want the ease of a disposable diaper, they have some that velcro! So that fact definitely peaked my interest, and I ended up ordering a beginner stash. My husband was on the fence about it, I stayed home all day so he didn't really care either way, little things like that are usually my decision. So we started our journey to the cloth diapering world, and have never looked back.

Now I know what you're thinking, because I thought the very same things! It just seems so nasty and like a lot of hard work! Well, honestly, its pretty awesome and not near as bad as I imagined. With the ease of washing a regular load; I throw in the diapers, use a special detergent, and run them through twice. I use one cold cycle and then one hot cycle, throw them in the dryer, and use them all over again. Its honestly the easiest load of laundry I've ever done; it washes fast, dries fast, and requires no folding. I use the diapers that require inserting the absorbent pad, but they dry so much fast than the all in one I bought. I never knew it could be so easy and so rewarding!

Cloth diapering can definitely be expensive, but my starting cost was about $60 dollars for a great brand I found on I got 12 diapers and we go through 6 a day, so I wash diapers every other day. We started when Logan was 2 months old and haven't had to buy another pack of disposable diapers. I paid $20 a box on average of every other week, so thats $40 dollars a month; my cloth diapers paid for themselves in less than 2 months.

Now, the point of this article is to give mommies, the ones walking along the fence of deciding, a little challenge. Find a cloth diaper that you've heard great things about and buy it, just one! Once it comes and you put it on your little one and see how absolutely adorable it is, as well as convenient and easy; I'm pretty sure that you'll want to order more!! Sometimes in motherhood, there are things you think you'd never do, but once you try it you can't imagine why you never did it before. From my experience, cloth diapering is definitely one of those things!!! Plus, I never get tired of the shocked expressions of all the people when they see Logan in cloth, its always a great topic starter!!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Tubes it is

So Logan is definitely getting tubes. His appointment with the ENT was originaly scheduled for the end of April but I begged to get him in sooner because they just won't go away. So they called me back today and he's in for next Tuesday. They will check to make sure he has no hearing loss like his brother did and then they'll schedule his surgery. He's so little so of course I'm really nervous... Gavin was a year and a half old when he had his. So, wish us luck, I'll update as we go!

Oh yea, for those following my weight loss, I totally forgot to update anything about that, but I've lost 3 lbs. I'd much rather it be 13, but all I can do is work harder! Thank all of you for the support!!!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

To Be or Not to Be Done

I sit back and watch all of these BFP's pop up around me and I can't help but feel that motherly urge to have another!! I'm in such a hard place right now b/c 3 is plenty, but I don't feel done yet. I've always heard if you're unsure, don't do it (vasectomy and/or tubal). Logan is only 6 months old so I really don't understand why I have this urge. I've been having endometriosis symptoms since after Gavin, but I didn't know what they were. I just dealt with the pain and when I got pregnant with Logan they suddenly went away. I also read that that does happen to a lot of women. So when I got my first period after having Logan, the pain was back. :( I'm not talking about normal period pain either, I lay on the couch in a ball and try not to breath.. its bad.

After some research, I've found that the only thing that explains my symptoms is endo, which runs in my family. So if it is in fact endo, I won't be fertile much longer, b/c it will spread. I'm going to my DR to get a proper diagnosis and hey, maybe I don't have it!! But if he tells me I do, I know exactly what I'm gonna feel... the urge to have another baby before I can't anymore. I talked to DH about this, who is VERY done, but he's being really sympathetic. I think he understands how I feel, or is at least trying to. So instead of the quick and definite, "NO!" answer when I mention another baby, he's asking questions and not really fighting me on it. I'm hoping by the time Logan is 3, our house will be finished in the renovations department and we'll have a 4 bedroom, completed house. I'm hoping by that time I can talk DH into TTC.

I'm still unsure though.. I'm so young so I know I have a long time to decide.. but what if I don't? What if I go to the DR and my window of time is slowly running out on me. I think as a woman, I'll always have the urge to have another baby. I just need to decide if I want 3 or 4. This is NOT an easy thing to decide. :(

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Off to school she'll go

So I called the elementary school where Rileigh will be attending Pre-K, figuring registration would be in a few months. Nope. Its the 25th of THIS MONTH. I know that she doesn't actually start until August, but this is the first step! My sweet, first born will be going off to school. I don't know how to handle it. I'm definitely excited for this next milestone, but its so bittersweet. I've been a stay at home mom with her for almost four years, and now its time to send her off to someone else all day. I know she needs the interaction and if I kept her from going to Pre-K (elective), I feel she'd be behind for Kindergarten (mandatory).

I know I'll probably get more peace and quiet during the day, and the boys nap well so I could nap with them. I don't really care about all that. I feel like all I'm gonna do is worry about her, even though she'll only be half a mile down the road. I'm working on signing her up for dance or in one of the local cheer gyms, just so she can get use to interaction with other kids in a structured environment. I know I should have done this a while back, but day care wasn't an option for my husband and myself. Now I feel like I'm giving her a poor start. :(

I know everything will work out, even if I do bawl my eyes out her first day. My mom never had a chance to go to all the school functions with me, but you can bet I will! I'll volunteer for every field trip and attend every mommy and kid lunch day. I know how it feels to see all the other mommies and daddies there and not mine. As much as I'm excited for this next step, I'm also terrified and sad. My little baby girl is growing up... :tear:

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Dirty or lived in?

With three kids, the word clean is a rarity, unless thats what your demanding one of them go do. "Go clean your room" is heard much more often than "Look honey, the house is clean!". I do my best to keep my house clean, and most of the time its not bad, maybe just an F1 or F2 tornado. Then there are days when it surpasses an F5, which makes you want to pick up the phone and call the National Weather Association and tell them you have proof of an F10 tornado, and its brothers.

So where do you draw the line between dirty and lived in? I consider my house lived in. The floor is vacuumed at least once a day, and I do sweep & mop and keep our counters wiped down. Did I mention I usually do this at about... oh... let's say 2:30a.m. Have you ever heard the saying, "Cleaning up while kids are still awake, is like shoveling snow while its still snowing". How true is that?!? Most of the time I have everything organized (ish), but sometimes I look at my house and think, honestly, that someone might think we were pigs.

Then I think of it this way, how many times have YOU, as a mother, went to someones house where kids were playing and thought, "Omg, this is nasty". Not often, because YOU as a mother, know exactly what your kids (hubbies included) can do to a house. I do get the urge sometimes (when asked how many kids I have) to say four! Thats how many people's clothes I wash, how many I cook dinner for and clean up after, and how many I have to remind not to put random things in their mouths! "Rileigh, don't jump on the bed", "Gavin, get out of the toilet", "Robert, stop chewing on the remote!"

So, on that last note, my life is very busy. I take care of 4 people, in one house. We laugh, we play, and sometimes, putting off the dishes to roll around on the floor with your kids, says much more about you, than a clean house. So if I have to ask myself this question again (which I will daily), I'll proudly say, while dodging a handful of Cheerios flying my way, LIVED IN!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Tubes... again?

So my sweet Logan is on his 4th ear infection in less than 5 months. They said if he gets 2 more before he turns one year old (looks promising, huh?) that he'd be referred for tubes. Right now he's on omnicef since he's been getting them back to back. I'm not sure if its doing anything? This is his 4th day on it and he's still pulling at his ear and not sleeping well.

He's just so little! I mean he's only been breathing for 5 month, how could someone put him to sleep? I know its better for him, because Gavin's made a world of difference. He went from failing his hearing test, to hearing and talking almost overnight, plus, no more ear infections. Which is definitely a plus!! So I know the routine and I know its not "that bad". But how can any mother seriously not worry and be perfectly fine when they walk off with her baby to put under anesthesia.

I know I'm sorta jumping the gun here, but the odds of him having 2 more infections before his first birthday, well... they aren't in our favor. So, here's to hoping that we have no more infections and we won't have to go through all that again.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Just Mommy

Earlier today, after Logan finished nursing, he laid in my arms and just stared at me. He raised his little hand and kept laying it on my face with the most serious expression! When I smiled, he just stared and didn't smile back. It occurred to me then, he was intently studying my features, memorizing them. Of course, my mind that never stops, started thinking of a lot of things at once.

Usually, when someone stares you down, you feel uncomfortable and start wondering which imperfections they're focusing on. Logan doesn't see my imperfections. He doesn't notice if my hair wasn't brushed, or if I had a pimple or two somewhere, all he saw was mommy. The one who feeds him, changes him, cuddles, hugs, and kisses him. When he cries, I fix it, when he's sick, I make him feel better. If he's cold, I make him warm, whenever he needs me, I'm there. He studied me with heartwarming adoration, for the person who makes him happy. It was such an amazing bonding moment, and I just looked back at him until he started to doze off in my arms.

One day, I won't be the only women he looks at with adoration. Honestly, I don't know how I'm gonna let any of my babies go when its time, but for now, I don't have to think about it. No matter what everyone else sees when they look at me, imperfections and all; to my sweet babies, I'm mommy. There has never been anything more amazing than being "just mommy", with all the ups and downs that come with it.

Friday, February 5, 2010

I think I can...

I think I can, I think I can. I have the world's worst motivation, seriously. I want to lose weight and tone up, but I usually only make it half the day. I love coca cola way too much, and I know thats definitely one of my downfalls. Along with the chocolate, potatoes and starches I love, McDonald's... Okay, I know, I know, just a state of mind. But when you're able to eat whatever you want, whenever you want and never gain an ounce, well, you have a hard time adjusting to the difficulty of watching what you eat! That was before I had kids and I balanced at 125-130 pounds. Now, I'm between 150-155, and I'm not happy with that. I'm short and all the weight just seems to be filling up my love handles.

So, I started today, and I'm going to do this! I have to keep repeating this to myself, over and over and over. I had Special K cereal for breakfast, I haven't had a soda and I did 100 crunches and 50 push ups this morning. Its hard to get out of the house for cardio, so I intend to dance in the mornings with the kids like a mad women. I want to lose at least 25 lbs, and I really hope I can do this. I'm going to start going to the tanning bed, to help clear up my psoriasis the rest of the way. I may do this at night when my hubby gets home. I had gestational diabetes with Gavin, and it was diet controlled. That diet was magnificent, and I dropped 6 lbs the first week just from cutting out cokes and sweets, and I was pregnant! The dr. was okay with it because I was eating healthy and thats usually what happens when you go on that diet. I want to do it again, but I don't feel the motherly instinct need to. Logan's out of my belly, why should I restrict my eating like that? Well, dern it, FOR ME!!

So, be prepared to follow me on my weight loss journey! I may have crabby days when I think of a Krystal's chocolate Milkquake, but I need all the support I can get. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can....

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Thank you, Mommy.

So another year came and went, and now Gavin, my sweet, bubby boy, is 2! I remember being younger, and it felt like it took an eternity to get from one Christmas to the next. It felt like next week, was a month away. I wish that time would feel like that again to me, but now it flies by and I sit and look at my children and wonder ... when? I know Logan is only 4 months old, but when Everlee (my best friend's daughter) was born, and I compared them, it really made me realize that Logan's isn't a newborn anymore. I can't believe how much difference there is between a newborn and a 4 month old. As much as I love to watch them all grow and learn, it breaks my heart to watch them do it.

A two year old can't say a whole lot, not to mention he's a tad behind from his hearing problems. He got his tubes at about 16 months old, and he passed his hearing test and we've had no more problems. I count on Gavin to show me what he wants and how he feels, but yes, sometimes he can tell me in a few words. So the day of his birthday (the 23rd) we were sitting on the couch, just him and me, when he leaned over, out of nowhere, and gave me a great big kiss and a huge, cheesy grin!! Gavin doesn't kiss on the the lips, or at all really. When you give him kisses he leans his head in to you and makes you kiss him, on the cheek. When I told Robert about it, he told me that it was Gavin's way of saying "Thank you for giving me life, Mommy". Of course that brought tears to my eyes. So, to my sweet Gavin, thank you and your brother and sister, for giving my life meaning.

Moving my 365 Challenge

to facebook. :) I'll update there later tonight. I've been chosen to blog for justmommies and just wanted to let you guys know. Certain posts will be chosen off of this blog to be posted on the JM blog area. So my next post will be pertaining to that. I just don't want to make it too confusing. :D

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I was a teen mom....

but I don't promote it as a good thing. I don't complain or think bad of teen mothers, but I think these shows like "16 & Pregnant" and "Teen Mom" are encouraging it. Girls have gotten pregnant on purpose at a young age for a lesser reason than being on MTV! Don't think I'm bashing teen moms, I was one. It was hard, but I wouldn't change it for anything in this world. I just feel like its saying "hey, if you get pregnant at 16 we'll put you on TV!!" Not "all" teenagers are mature enough to think past that. I did get pregnant at 18, 2 months after I graduated high school!! I loved my husband (not married at the time), I had a supportive family, and before she came, I had a lot of love and help. I was lucky, a lot of teen moms don't even have that. I just can't bring myself to watch those shows and help in their ratings. I've watched ONE "16 & Pregnant" and it was a re-run of the girl who gave her baby up for adoption. There was so much talk, I had to see. I also watched the reunion, which brought on my gag reflex. Some of the things they were saying... I dunno.... I don't "motherhood compete" w/ people, and I never bash anyone's parenting styles, so don't think thats what I'm doing. I'm merely stating my opinions that these shows aren't "opening teenagers eyes and showing them how hard it is to be pregnant and have a baby", its enticing some of them... who wouldn't want to be on MTV at 15 or 16?!?!

Enough of my opinions. I've been holding that in for a while. haha. Anyways, todays picture. :) Not "new" , my camera's dead again, so just one I love. :)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Sweet Baby Girl

So I'll be sharing a picture of Everlee today. I got to be there as she made her grand entrance and I was in awe. Of course I stayed by my bf's head, but I still got to see her first breath and just all the emotions. It was amazing. After 16 hours of natural labor, 6 hours of it w/ pitocin, my best friend had a gorgeous baby girl!! Shes just so tiny!! I can't even fathom how little Logan use to be anymore and he's only 4 months old. The time flies, so ridiculously fast. It seems like she was just sitting in my room while I held a newborn baby. Logan is SO fun now, he laughs, giggles, talks, squeals, and I love his face when I go to pick him up or how he wiggles when we play. But theres just something about a sleeping, sweet smelling, itty bitty baby that you could just sit there and hold them forever. I miss him that little, sometimes I wish that time would slow down just a bit. I feel like tomorrow I'm gonna wake up and he'll be in college.

But, enough of that, introducing Miss Everlee Joann. Jan. 18, 2010 at 12:32 a.m. weighing in at 6lbs, 10oz and 19 inches long. :D

Monday, January 18, 2010

I totally love

how this 365 challenge is keeping me updated on my blog. hahaha. Yesterday I was gone all day, my best friend had her baby and I got to be there. It was amazing and she labored 6 hrs WITH pitocin and didn't even ask for drugs! I'm so proud of her!!! Miss Everlee is 6 lbs, 10 oz & 19 inches long. I can't wait to go back up there this evening when my hubby gets off so I can hold her!!!!

So its two pictures today as well!

The first one is photoshopped , I'm practicing my techniques. I made it black & white and just kept the hat & his eyes color, but it was ENTIRELY too much blue. So, here is the color version

and then Rileigh and Gavin pulled her mattress off her bed, propped it up and laid on it watching TV. It was so cute, I love when they get along!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

2 Days Again!

I must have pulled up my blog a zillion times yesterday and I could never decide on my favorite picture! I've taken a bunch the past 2 days and I just love them all!! So I finally just picked. lol.

Day 15 - It was a GORGEOUS day outside in the south yesterday. Seriously felt like the 70's. People were in SHORTS. So I took Logan out while the older 2 were napping and let him enjoy the weather. When I laid him on his blanket he looked up at the crystal clear sky like it was just the most awesome thing hes ever seen. He's not wearing pants and he kicked off his blanket, but trust me, he DID NOT need them. Yesterday was the PERFECT weather, I can't wait for spring now!!! It really felt like it yesterday!

Day 16 - I love his space-y sleeper. He was in a fun mood today, I just had to post this picture of his funny face. hahahaha

Thursday, January 14, 2010

He's a fast learner

So Logan rarely has a bottle, I mean RARELLYYY. I hate pumping. But I had a margarita tonight, and I know it takes a LOT of alcohol to be in your system for there to even be a trace amount in your breastmilk, but I just went ahead and gave him a bottle of expressed milk I had in the freezer. He was HOLDING his own bottle? I thought it was awesome as little as hes had one!!! Anyways, I snapped a pic, I think its uber cute, however, I bittersweet. Less of a baby day by day. :sigh:

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Just a picture

Not much to blog about today. :) So I figured I'd just post my picture. Logan was eating his arm, I think this picture is hilarious!! He was seriously attacking it like something was gonna come out. hahah. OH!!! Right after this picture he rolled for the first time. Finally!!! The way he moves from side to side when he sleeps I knew he could roll over, he just never wanted to I guess. Eh, he'll do everything when he feels like it. I have no urge to rush it, its bittersweet. The more he can do, means the less hes a baby. Sigh...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Today flowed Nicely

The house stayed clean, laundry stayed done, dinner was yum, and now I'm sitting here waiting to see if my best friend's contractions are gonna pick up. Since I'm not gonna have anymore, I'm super excited to play with a newborn I can give back... even though sometimes I don't think I wanna. Its weird being done, and I'm not 100% positive I'll never have another. For now, 3 is MORE than enough and we have NO future plans for anymore. 3 was always my number, its totally weird that I reached it at such a young age. In a way I'm glad though. I have the patience to roll on the floor with them and be attacked, and the energy to stay up until 3 am doing my mommy chores and having me time, and get back up at 9 w/o being too tired to care for them. Its also nice to think that I'll be 40 when my children are all adults. Still young enough for me and my hubby to have fun together. Its hard to accept that I'm done, but its SO fun to anticipate other new arrivals for people who are close to me. :)

I also can't help but think about the benefits of being older. Waiting until we had a nice house, lots of "just us" time, and have people excited for us instead of looking at us like we're crazy for having one so young. But it worked, and I wouldn't trade any of them of anything in the world. They are my heart and I think everything worked just as it was always meant to. :)

Okay, so my picture for today is Rileigh Bug. I shot this w/ this crappy camera of mine, but I really do love it!! I can't wait to get my DSLR next month and see what I REALLY can do. I think I have potential. If I can take this adorable pic w/ a 7.2 mp crappy Sony point and shoot, I'm pretty sure I'll be even better w/ my Nikon DSLR. (or Canon, I haven't 100% decided yet).

Monday, January 11, 2010

His eyes KILL me!!

Every mommy has one or two features they dwell over when they're pregnant. Will he/she have a lot of hair, what color eyes, etc. Eye color is hard to determine for the first couple months, most babies have the pretty hazy blue newborn color. Well when I was pregnant with Rileigh, I wanted her to have her daddy's curls w/ my texture hair (silky, my hubby's is very course), well Rileigh got it. When I was preggo w/ Gavin, I wanted a big, brown eyed boy, well, he rocks the gorgeous puppy dog eyes. Well with Logan, I wanted him to have his daddy's gorgeous sky blue's since I already had my brown eyed baby. It looks like I'm getting my wish. There is still the chance they can turn green, Rileighs did at about 3 (her do still turn grey-blue though), but for now, I'm enjoying the stunning blue they are. I think they are even prettier than his daddy's, which is actually one of his features, besides his smile, that attracted me to him.

So here is a pic for Day 11, sweet Logan modeling his new hat with his stunning, bright blue eyes. :D

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Mommyhood isn't all sparkles & sunshine

Sometimes it can make you feel like a complete failure. One wrong or too late decision can make a huge difference. I almost didn't take Logan to the ER last night. Why should I have? He had a bad cough and he was hoarse, but the hoarseness could have been from all the coughing. The coughing was just a viral infection, same one that caused his SECOND ear infection in the past month. You can't do anything about viral, except let it run its course. He was already on augmenten, the second strongest antibiotic. But I went, I risked exposing him to even sicker people, b/c he was just pitiful. His weak cry, hoarse cry broke my heart, and I finally gave in and went at about 10:30. We were only there for about 2 hours, we didn't wait long b/c a baby breathing hard at only 4 months old gets first priority, unless someone walks in missing a leg or something.

So the nurse hears wheezing, the DR. doesn't, but he orders an x-ray. Well, its pneumonia. Beginning stages, my paranoia caught it early and he didn't have to be admitted. What if I wouldn't have went, I almost didn't!! He didn't even have a fever!! Pneumonia can kill people, if I would have waited one more night.... how bad would it have been? He got a booster shot of antibiotics and a stronger prescription. His cough and breathing are better today and hes still a smiling, laughing, cooing, happy boy. It breaks my heart that he can feel so yucky but still wanna talk and smile at us. Mommy's little trooper, I know it has to hurt him to breathe. I guess I'm gonna have to quarantine my children. They never go anywhere, EVER, none of my kids are in daycare... I just don't understand how he can have this. We literally NEVER leave the house. If I have errands, I wait until their daddy gets home. So, in all my mommy protectiveness, I'm gonna start attacking everyone who walks in my door w/ Lysol. Don't think I'm kidding, when DH walks in the door from work today, I'll have the hand sanitizer and Lysol can waiting.

Sigh, well now that my self pity rant is OVER, I'm making up for missing yesterdays' picture today as well as posting today's picture. Yesterday was kinda hectic so I never got around to getting on here. So day 9 and 10 will be... drum roll please.... the first picture is Rileigh & Logan, and the second picture is just Logan being cute, my sweet, blue-eyes baby boy.

Day 9

Day 10

Friday, January 8, 2010

Beanie Time!!

So, Natasha, the siggy legend, has numerous other talents. Such as her well known siggies, photography, and crocheting! Yes, I received Logan's GORGEOUS beanie today and was able to squeeze one lone pic out of my camera. Yes its still dead, and thats a negative on finding the charger. He looks toooo cute in it and I'm totally adoring it right now!!!!!!! So picture for day 8, is Logan modeling his beanie. Totally ignore the scared look on his face, I'm sure he'll walk early just to escape the range of my camera. ;)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Mr. Almost Birthday Boy...

was NOT being cooperative today!! I need cute pictures to do his invitations, would he look at me, no; would he smile, thats a BIG negative. So, he's up from his nap now and I'm about to try and tackle the task again. Oh wait, I CAN'T! I can't find my camera's battery charger. Sometimes I feel like with each child more of my brain cells died. Ahh, but when I think about it, I'd give a lot more up to be able to keep them. SO, on day 7, I'm sharing one of the only decent pictures Gavin would let me get, its the very first one.

Also, Logan is 4 months old today, if the time doesn't slow down, I may have to track down father time and have a nice talking to with him. ;)

and as promised, Mr. Almost Birthday Boy, Gavin Thomas.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Gonna be buusyyyy

I wanted to post this now, before I got consumed in my present and posted late again or not at all!! So heres the way it worked, my co-host on JM, Susan, doesnt (didn't) read a whole lot, but Dear John is a great book, so I secretly ordered it and had it shipped to her. I had her address from the secret santa thing in our playroom. So, she read it, loved it, and bought "The Lucky One" from the same author! I haven't read it yet, so she returned the favor. So, picture for Day 6 is what I'll be doing the rest of the day!! Thanks again, SOOO much if you're reading this Susan!! :D :D :D

Cloth ba-hoottiiieeee

This is a little late again, but I have a GOOD reason!! Today I got done, cleaning the whole house, washing and folding and hanging up all the laundry, and I was WAYYY too far behind, so just the folding and what not took almost 2 hours!! Of course I was a little distracted by the movie I was watching. I also cleaned out the summer and too small clothes from the boy's dressers (I did Rileighs right before I had Logan), I finally tackled Rileighs messy room w/ her assistance, and I had to feed, bathe, and dress the kids for bed. My poor dh was on call tonight and as SOON as he opened the door to walk in from work, his nextel went off. He JUST got home, literally, and its 3am. :o

But, back to the title of my blog.... Yep, no more sposies!! He looks wayyyy too cute in them, they are soo comfy and I adore them. I guess I'll know for sure if the washing and all that will make them worth it. He's also uber long!! He's gonna be a tall man. Robert's dad was like, 6'2 or something like that. I definitely think Logan is gonna be taller than his daddy. lol

Here is my picture for Day 5.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I'm 15 mins late

so this post still counts for the 4th dern it!! I had a busy day. lol.

My daughters fish died and she seen it and told me he was sleeping. Hopefully if I keep her busy enough tomorrow daddy can sneak a new one in before she realizes hes been sleeping too long. Two years for a fish, thats a good life right?!?

SO, Logan is sick, my poor sweet baby, and he was all cuddled up on my best friend Jessica. Of course shes 37 weeks pregnant and Everlee (her little girl-to-be) thought kicking Logan while he slept was just the bee knees. ;)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Day Tres

of my 365 day challenge. What do I want to post a picture of? My hubby in long johns making pasta, thats a negative. Me w/ no make-up on or my sleeping (not really sleeping yet, just laid them down for a nap) older children? Another negative. So I'm gonna grab my camera and snap Logan. Hes sick and doesn't feel very well, but it doesn't diminish his cuteness. :D

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Wow, something for me?!?

So I went and got my hair done! Yes, something for ME! I was so ecstatic and it turned out fabulous!! I have highlights and I had my bangs cut back w/ more layers. My hair is still super long, but its SO different, I was totally after a drastic change! Rileigh looked at me when I walked through the door, it took her a second of staring before she ran up and grab my leg, "Mommy, why does your hair look like that?" and I replied, "Do you like it honey?" with a big grin on her face, she says "hahah, yea!!"

So with the approval of an almost 4 year old, I think I'll keep it. :D So, my picture for day 2 is to share my finished hair, its a dark photo, but you get the idea. Its funny b/c I was almost positive all my pictures would be of my kids, however, today is me. :D

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy 2010!!!

Well, another year has come and gone!! Its amazing how fast having children make the time fly by. Soo, I've decided to do that 365 Challenge! Everyday for the next 365 days I'll post a different picture and probably share a little story about it. Now, life is hectic, and I'm sad to admit that I may miss some or even forget about this. I'd like to write more in my blog, all these thoughts in my head gotta go somewhere, and this will definitely help.

So starting today, I took this picture today of my sweet Logan Man. :) He's growing like a weed and just the sweetest little boy!! He'll be 4 MONTHS OLD on the 7th, if only I could slow the time down. He looks SO much like his daddy to me and he feels my heart w/ joy. Three kids and not an ounce less love for any of them, just more and more everyday.

Here is my sleeping sweetheart, I just love how he curls up when he sleeps. He does it when he nurses too :D