Monday, January 18, 2010

I totally love

how this 365 challenge is keeping me updated on my blog. hahaha. Yesterday I was gone all day, my best friend had her baby and I got to be there. It was amazing and she labored 6 hrs WITH pitocin and didn't even ask for drugs! I'm so proud of her!!! Miss Everlee is 6 lbs, 10 oz & 19 inches long. I can't wait to go back up there this evening when my hubby gets off so I can hold her!!!!

So its two pictures today as well!

The first one is photoshopped , I'm practicing my techniques. I made it black & white and just kept the hat & his eyes color, but it was ENTIRELY too much blue. So, here is the color version

and then Rileigh and Gavin pulled her mattress off her bed, propped it up and laid on it watching TV. It was so cute, I love when they get along!


  1. Adorable! Rileigh's hair is getting long! I think she look like you in that pic.

  2. Gavin looks ticked, heehee Love those baby blues!!

  3. haha I agree with Dawn, Gavin doesn't look thrilled :) Love the picture of Logan.
