Monday, January 11, 2010

His eyes KILL me!!

Every mommy has one or two features they dwell over when they're pregnant. Will he/she have a lot of hair, what color eyes, etc. Eye color is hard to determine for the first couple months, most babies have the pretty hazy blue newborn color. Well when I was pregnant with Rileigh, I wanted her to have her daddy's curls w/ my texture hair (silky, my hubby's is very course), well Rileigh got it. When I was preggo w/ Gavin, I wanted a big, brown eyed boy, well, he rocks the gorgeous puppy dog eyes. Well with Logan, I wanted him to have his daddy's gorgeous sky blue's since I already had my brown eyed baby. It looks like I'm getting my wish. There is still the chance they can turn green, Rileighs did at about 3 (her do still turn grey-blue though), but for now, I'm enjoying the stunning blue they are. I think they are even prettier than his daddy's, which is actually one of his features, besides his smile, that attracted me to him.

So here is a pic for Day 11, sweet Logan modeling his new hat with his stunning, bright blue eyes. :D


  1. They are gorgeous. If he keeps them, he'll be stopping girls dead in their tracks!

  2. ^^^ Ditto what Dawn said! Better get a broom to fight off those girls!

  3. I can't imagine eyes so blue turning to green....I love them :)
