Tuesday, June 30, 2009

and the beat goes on...

The past few days have been relatively uneventful. My husband and I went to see Transformers 2, it is definitely one of the best movies I've seen this year, and thats saying something! Just a warning, there are more cuss words in it than on a navy ship, so be careful taking young kids.

I've been contemplating taking Rileigh to see her first theater movie, I think she's finally old enough to sit still... though I'm not entirely sure.... lol. Ice Age 3 seems like a good start anyways. (P.S. 14 days to HARRY POTTER MIDNIGHT SHOWING!!!! EEEKKK!!!) haha.

Anyways, this is stupidly short, I just didn't want to leave my blog at one entry. Off to get the kids ready for their naps. :)

Thursday, June 25, 2009

The beginning...

So here I go, jumping on the blogging train for the first time. :) I've never really known what the big deal was, but it seems cool to try it out. Today has been interesting. Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson passed away and it seems like our local radios and news stations have nothing else to play or talk about. So we've been listening to old MJ songs. I'm sad it took him passing away for me to play "Thriller" for Rileigh. She was in awe and tried to do the "zombie" dance.

So in other news, we found a house. I'm super excited and it seems really promising, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that everything works out! Its a 4 bedroom and I'll get to do a nursery for Logan, which is SUPER exciting. I feel so bad that I'm so behind! I've only bought him a few outfits. I need to get on the big stuff, but in this apartment there is no where to put it. SO, we're moving in the middle of July and I have until late August to September to get EVERYTHING he needs and the house in order! But I can do it!!!! I think I can, I think I can. :)