Saturday, January 29, 2011

Hello Foot, Meet Mouth

Yea, I really helped myself with my last blog post. *insert eye roll* I was bragging about how wonderful everything was going with this pregnancy, and low and behold. BAM!! I stuck my foot in my mouth and ended up in Labor & Delivery. The reason? Surprise, surprise... Carter was trying to make an early appearance! I think I have four of THE most impatient children and no clue where they get it from. ;)

So after 7 hours in the hospital, a shot of terbutiline, some IV fluids, etc..etc... I got to go home extremely exhausted, but thankfully, still pregnant. It also reminded me that I need to get on the ball, seriously. Its not like trying to have my babies early is a surprise for me, so I'm trying to figure out why I've procrastinated on getting prepared for Carter. Luckily, I didn't have THAT much left to do, and I'm almost done (now).

Hopefully I'll be pregnant for another 2 weeks (plus) and next time I make a trip to L&D I'll be far enough along to have him and not have labor stopped. I am very excited to meet our newest addition, however, I think I can't wait just a bit longer until he is fully "baked". :)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Update On Me!

Wife, mother of 3, pregnant with number 4, freak ice storm, etc etc, I can come up with all sorts of excuses to explain why I haven't blogged in a while. The truth is, I've honestly just let it slip my mind! Don't worry though! I've come up with quite a few topics and can't wait to get blogging about them!! Oh how I've missed this!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also, an update on whats going on with us! :) Rileigh is doing great in school, she'll be the big F-I-V-E in March!! Gavin just turned 3 on the 23rd, he can identify all his letters and count to 15! Logan is a walking, jabbering, but completely adorable monster. His vocabulary is excellent, even his meow has a profound pronunciation. (LOL)

I will be 35 weeks pregnant tomorrow and I'm honestly expecting a baby within the next 3 weeks with my history, however, you never know!! He could extend his arms and refuse to come out until 42 weeks! So far the pregnancy has been great, no pre-term labor, no magnesium sulfate and steroid shots, no repeat gestational diabetes. If it wasn't for the constant head butts to the cervix and toes in the ribs I would probably question my pregnant status. I am definitely enjoying my last pregnancy though, it really has flown by so fast. Its definitely bittersweet, but we're a complete family and I think four is just our number. :)

Now that you're all updated, be on the look out for a few things that have been on my mind lately! :) :)