Monday, February 7, 2011

If I Were on Wife Swap

Who would they switch me with? I'm sitting here watching the show now, which I do daily even though I really don't like it. I've noticed that they manage to find the two most extreme families. I honestly think that if I applied for the show, I wouldn't be extreme enough in any of my beliefs to actually get on the show.

Thats the thing about my lifestyle and parenting choices. I've most likely, PROBABLY done it already. I've breastfed and formula fed; I cloth diaper, yet I still use disposables. My kids have a bed time, but its not always the case. We eat dinner together, but not every night. I also cook, but eat out as well. I'm a stay at home mom, but I think that my husband and myself have a great balance on him helping with the kids and chores.

The thing I've learned about parenting and marriages, is you don't really "know" anything until you're in it. Then you learn as you go, and I'd be lying if I said I had it all figured out. I still change parenting techniques to find what works best for us, and I still bicker with my husband about little things, like remembering to take out the trash and put his own socks in the laundry basket.

I'm definitely curious to see what kind of woman that the show would find as my total opposite. I feel that I'm too flexible to be a "type", but I could definitely be wrong. I guess if I had to pick one myself, it would be a working mom with nannies who focuses a lot on her career. I don't feel that thats a bad thing at all, just not the way I chose to raise my children. Which I guess is the point of the show, sometimes you have to take a second, and walk in someone else's shoes. You can never judge another mother until you do. ;)