Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Great tips on keeping up with the house!

So usually I get behind on my cleaning. Hey! I'm a mom of 3, so it happens. :) So recently I've been following the Just Mommies Home Organization Plan!! Now let me tell you, this is the easiest thing to follow, and I don't have to wear high heels to do it!

It breaks down daily tasks that you get yourself in the habit of doing. I was never much of a bed maker, but it only takes 2 minutes out of my morning and I make sure I do it before my 2 year old drags me by my hair out of my room screaming for breakfast. Each month also has a decluttering list that doesn't take a lot of time out of your day. Its helps to keep your house clean and organized at the same time!!

During the day I also make sure I go behind the kids and pick up as they destroy. Seems like "shoveling while it's still snowing", huh? It really is, however, if you shovel as it snows, there is less snow to shovel when it stops. Now my night time cleaning is cut in half and I have more time to spend with my husband. I also vacuum more than the JM organization plan specifies, but I also have an 8 month old who likes to pretend he's a human vacuum cleaner.

This plan has really helped my life become easier, and now cleaning doesn't control me, I control it. With the easy printable calendar, I see my tasks each day and make sure I set aside time to do those, usually at nap time. I also like being reminded to take something out for dinner, I'm very forgetful. So for someone like me, who has to have a list to be organized and in control, this plan is the perfect way to get your house clean. Its also pretty cool that now when people show up unexpectedly, I'm not mortified when I hear that dreaded "knock, knock, knock".

Monday, May 10, 2010

Why Must They Grow?

So Logan is 8 months old, and of course it has me wondering why the time has to fly so fast. I think this is a topic I've brought up before and its most likely one I'll bring up again. My babies are growing so fast that its hard to remember their smaller days. Now that I've decided that I won't be having any more babies, it makes it a little sadder for me. I know 3 is a good number and I'm lucky to have each one of my little blessings, I just know that one day they won't be as dependent on me. I'm sure I'll miss the little things, even changing diapers and waking in the middle of the night.

Speaking of diapers, I'm pretty sure I'm close to having only one in them. Gavin told me yesterday, all on his own, that he had to potty, and he did! It was so awesome!! With Rileigh I asked and coaxed her on the potty, to get her use to sitting on it a lot. Gavin seems a little different, and I just decided to hold off until he was ready, which he's shown signs of it; but hasn't seemed very interested in it at all. So I jumped up and down and squealed with him and he was just as delighted as I was. Its such a big step and was honestly, the best Mother's Day present I got yesterday.

Rileigh is the most difficult child I have. She's mouthy and bossy and sassy, and everything most little girls are. She loves make-up and perfume and, even though she knows not to get into it, she does it anyways. She throws tantrums (Gavin is two and he doesn't), and she refuses to clean her room. I was always told that little girls were easier to handle than little boys, and now that I have one little girl and two little boys, everyone is now saying girls are harder. I think a lot of her problems stem from the fact that shes home all day. She starts school soon, but I'm thinking of signing her up for Cheerleading so she can get out of the house and around other little girls. I think her attitude would change a lot if she were able to be the social butterfly we all know she it.

So, I just wanted to update a little on my loves until I could come up with a worthy topic of interest. Thanks for reading!!