Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Off to school she'll go

So I called the elementary school where Rileigh will be attending Pre-K, figuring registration would be in a few months. Nope. Its the 25th of THIS MONTH. I know that she doesn't actually start until August, but this is the first step! My sweet, first born will be going off to school. I don't know how to handle it. I'm definitely excited for this next milestone, but its so bittersweet. I've been a stay at home mom with her for almost four years, and now its time to send her off to someone else all day. I know she needs the interaction and if I kept her from going to Pre-K (elective), I feel she'd be behind for Kindergarten (mandatory).

I know I'll probably get more peace and quiet during the day, and the boys nap well so I could nap with them. I don't really care about all that. I feel like all I'm gonna do is worry about her, even though she'll only be half a mile down the road. I'm working on signing her up for dance or in one of the local cheer gyms, just so she can get use to interaction with other kids in a structured environment. I know I should have done this a while back, but day care wasn't an option for my husband and myself. Now I feel like I'm giving her a poor start. :(

I know everything will work out, even if I do bawl my eyes out her first day. My mom never had a chance to go to all the school functions with me, but you can bet I will! I'll volunteer for every field trip and attend every mommy and kid lunch day. I know how it feels to see all the other mommies and daddies there and not mine. As much as I'm excited for this next step, I'm also terrified and sad. My little baby girl is growing up... :tear:


  1. I know how you feel Heather!! Joey turns 4 in June and will be going to pre-k in Aug as well. It's depressing lol. It's been just us for 4 years and now to send him to school, makes me one sad mama!!

  2. Hey Heather! Please contact me asap at irenealexeeva ( @ ) - you're the 500th follower of my blog and you;ve won a coupon to my store :)

